FUTuRE Fertility Psychological Health Eligibility Criteria

FUTuRE Fertility Psychological Health Eligibility Criteria

Patient, parents and controls will be recruited for 3 years between November 2014 and November 2017, during which time we would like them to take part in an interview and complete an online questionnaire at diagnosis and then 3 years later. This research study will run for 6 years to allow us to get a complete data set for the two time periods.

Patient Eligibility Criteria

  • Any patient aged 15-25 years of age at diagnosis enrolled onto the Australasian Oncofertility Registry Study
  • Patients diagnosed with any cancer
  • Patients diagnosed within 0-90 days of their cancer diagnosis
  • Patient does not have to undertake fertility preservation to be eligible

Controls Eligibility Criteria

  • Young people aged 15-25 years of age who do not have cancer
  • Siblings cannot be controls in this study.

Parent Eligibility Criteria

  • Parent of a young person diagnosed with cancer aged 15-25 years with a child participating in the Psychological Health Study.