Privacy and Confidentiality
The FUTuRE Fertility Research Team will respect the confidentiality and privacy of all patients during the consultations, consent process and in relation to collection of patient data in keeping with the Australasian Oncofertility Registry Data Security Policy (Version 1.4 dated 14th of October 2014) and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Clinical Quality Registries.
Clinicians will only be able to use the AOFR after training and access to a password protected secure login has been issued. When the data is used to answer research questions and for publications all personal identifiers (name, date of birth, address, Medicare number, phone number) will be removed.
The consent process will include information about the storage of data with particular regards to patient confidentiality and the patient’s privacy. The registry data will only be used as outlined in the consent form and information sheets.